Catkiller One—Five Chapters:

  • Except for #1 The chapters are more or less chronological.
  • Start with #1, because it provides a basic understanding of the mission that will serve you in the remaining chapters.
  • Numbers 1 and 6—10 are mostly mission accounts.
  • Numbers 2—5 talk about the experience of arriving in Vietnam, finding a home, and working into a combat role.
  • The last three chapters try for a little humor and offer some personal reflections.

  1. The Oh Shucks!! Point
  2. I'm Not in Indiana Anymore
  3. The Long Checkout
  4. DaNang unto Tet
  5. Welcome to the DMZ
  6. A Dark and Stormy Night
  7. Fire on the Ground
  8. Request Fuel Truck
  9. I Ain't That Brave
  10. Last as One-Five
  11. There is a God
  12. Bullet Holes and Bird Strikes
  13. Nothing is Forever

Don Pepe, Catkiller 15, 2003
If you would like to read additional material relating to the mission of the 220th Aviation Company in this time period, pick up the book by Jim Hoopoer, A Hundred Feet Over Hell.

If you were a Catkiller or worked with the Catkillers and you see something in the above chapters that needs correction, email it to me at the link below:

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