Awards of and Recommendations for the
Distinguished Service Cross (DSC)

and Silver Star

By Year

William J, Amberger Silver Star—Action near Thanh Hoi—27 March 1966 Page 2
Charles "Woody" Woodhurst Silver Star—Battle of A Shau—March 1966
David Rogers Recommendation for Distinguished Service Cross—Battle of A Shau—March 1966. No record of any award
Jerry Jackson Recommendation for Silver Star—USMC Operation Hastings—July 1966. No record of any award
Bob Garth Posthumous Recommendation for Award of DSC—KIA near Quang Ngai—September 1966. No record of any award
Lloyd Rugge Silver Star—Posthumous Award—KIA near Duc Pho—January 1967
Joe Hodges Silver Star—Action near Hoi An—March 1967
Roger Putnam Silver Star —Action near Hoi An—March 1967
Charles L. "Larry" Deibert Distinguished Service Cross —Action near Con Thien—September 1967
Terance M. Bozarth Silver Star—Posthumous Award—KIA Battle of Hue—22 February 1968
Donald Lee Harrison Silver Star—Posthumous Award—MIA north of the DMZ—October 1968
Charles Finch Silver Star—Action near Kinh Mon—October 1968
Bill Hooper Silver Star—Action near Kinh Mon—October 1968
Rod Stewart Silver Star —Action near Kinh Mon—Same action as Charles Finch and Bill Hooper, 1968.
Harold Bordeaux Silver Star —Action near Khe Sanh—Lam Son 719—March 1971
NOTE: We are looking for 13 awards of the Silver Star according to the Unit History Files. There were many recommendations for the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross for which we have no record of being awarded. Some (a few) of these could/may have been considered for upgrade at some later review.

I am guessing that the recommendations for the DSC for Dave Rogers and Bob Garth could have been down-graded to the Silver Star and/or a few of the recommended awards for the Distinguished Flying Cross may have also been upgraded to a Silver Star.

As I continue reading (and rereading), I pick-up something new (or that I missed). Still working on a lot of things. Hopefully, we will hear from "others" as the history of the 220th is read.

COMPILER: Gene Wilson